The Rising Global Population Puts Immense Pressure on Healthcare Networks Worldwide

As the global population continues to grow, the pressure on healthcare networks across the world is increasing at an unprecedented rate.

As per WHO people worldwide are living longer. With more people living longer they experience a wider range of health issues, the demand for healthcare services is greater than ever before.

This puts immense strain on
healthcare providers, who must find ways to meet the needs of their patients while also managing limited resources and rising costs.

What do we do?

At mlHealth 360, we are a healthtech focused company, committed to revolutionize and empower the healthcare industry by providing innovative tools and resources that empower healthcare professionals and institutions.

Our current focus is around
leveraging the power of deep learning technology for image screening to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency

An AI-Powered workflow for radiologists.

Improves Accuracy

Enhances Collaboration

Self Learning and Evolving

Enables Automation

Provides Decision Support

mlHealth 360: A dive into the future

mlHealth 360 - Envisioning a Future of Revolutionized Healthcare through Cutting-Edge Solutions.

mlHealth 360, a forward-thinking and pioneering company, aspires to reshape the healthcare landscape by employing the transformative power of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning Technologies. The company’s vision aims to create next-generation solutions to augment patient outcomes and optimize healthcare providers’ workflows.

Driven by a commitment to revolutionize healthcare through trailblazing technology, mlHealth 360’s vision holds immense potential for transforming the industry. By offering cutting-edge solutions that bolster patient care, streamline workflows, and support informed decision-making, the company could create a lasting impact on the healthcare landscape, ultimately benefiting patients, providers, and the industry as a whole.

Our journey begins here

Our current focus is on image screening using deep learning technology to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.

Potential Areas of Impact

12K+ Studies

used for training the AI models

With a continuously expanding dataset, our AI models are trained using

4 million+ image slices.

diagnostic assistant

AI modules trained to detect anomalies in

8 Anatomical Regions

Scaida is an innovative
AI-Powered diagnostic
assistant designed specifically
for radiologists. Scaida
platform offers a range of
features to help radiologists
prioritize cases, generate
standardized reports, and
reduce the burden of

One of Scaida’s key features is its ability to prioritize critical cases, ensuring that radiologists are able to focus their time and attention on the most urgent cases. Additionally, the platform offers a range of templates that can be used to

automatically populate reports, helping radiologists generate high-quality reports quickly and easily.

Scaida is a cloud-based SaaS platform, which means that it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes It ideal for use in hospitals and clinics where radiologists may need to
work remotely.

Furthermore, Scaida offers migration services to help clinics and hospitals transition from their current on-site software to the cloud-based platform while maintaining clinical history.

Our Users


Health-Tech Companies

Imaging Centers
